Lost, UGH!!

This morning at 7:30 I got a phone call. When it showed up as the USCIS I got butterfly's in my stomach. I was so excited. That didn't last too long however. Our officer was calling back from my previous messages. She informed me that she has still not received the paperwork and that she couldn't find it in the system. The conversation went on from there. To paraphrase, she had no idea where the paperwork was and figured it was not even in the lockbox. I gave her our receipt number and from there she looked several other places in the system and found something. She was going to get the Supervisor to try and get the package so they could get the approval out in the overnight mail today. When that was done she would email us to let us know. Our officer was very nice and gave me hope that things would get done today.

I checked email A LOT and nothing. The average case takes 7-10 days to get to the officers desk. An expedited case is supposed to hit the officers desk in 3 days. Our paperwork has now been there for 13 days!!! My guess is that the officer still does not have it in her hands and there is no way for us to email the info over to bypass the problem, I asked. We are stuck in the government cycle of failure and mediocrity. Funny thing, this is what happened with our last adoption. At that point we called our Senators office and got them involved and that is when we were put on the naughty list for our agency. Do I dare call the supervisor tomorrow and ask them to please do whatever it takes to get this done?

My faith is waning and the positive attitude is getting very hard to maintain.


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