Home at last...

Today I saw this picture... 

 My heart swelled and the tears fell from my eyes.
Why would I feel this way?

I know.

It's because this young man is my son!!!!
Meet Gui
 (sounds like Gway)
He is almost 14 and has lived his life as an orphan in China.
He had no one to call his own.
No one to hold him, play ball with, learn to read with or all the other things children do.

He watched many of his friends be chosen.
Chosen to be a part of a family as he watched from the sidelines.
He wanted to be chosen. 
He wanted his own family!!

He is the one that leads at the orphanage.
He is called the big brother to the younger children.
He acts like the big brother as he loves and cares for the children.
 He was chosen as leader of the class this year and takes the responsibility seriously.
He is very helpful and cleans.

Just today we received our preliminary approval to adopt Gui.
We now have 7 weeks to complete all the paperwork and be in China to pick him up.
It is a rush but we will succeed!

I found out today that Gui was told he has a family.
His words
"Family means everything to me."
And he said that all of his dreams are coming true!

What a blessing to be a part of his dreams.
We now have much to live up to as a family.
And I have much more to live up to as a mother.
We are now the blessed family to call Gui our son.

Our thanks go out to some very important people,

The very generous family that made all this possible
Love Without Boundaries
 Annie Hamlin
Suzanne Stott
Agape Adoptions
Without these people we would not have this opportunity.
You are all greatly appreciated! 


  1. I just found your blog and I love it! I have 6 kids under the age of 10 and one is special needs. I've felt so overwhelmed lately, but your family has inspired me a lot. I have been a missionary for quite some time, but am now taking a break to help my kids have a more solid family and scholastic foundation. You can bet I will be praying for anything posted on here. God bless you and your family.


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