Pierce's update

Pierce went to State Debate tournament on Friday. I dropped him off and was going planning to go back to watch the last debate. He called and the other team didn't show up so they won by forfeit. Pierce said they had gotten a perfect score on the second debate so he felt like we would want to be there for the awards ceremony. We were already on our way.

We got there and waited almost an hour for the ceremony to start. In the mean time had a great talk with Pierce's partner's mother. Award time came and they called up the winners and Pierce and Jake didn't place. It was disappointing for him but he handled it well. We decided to make this our date night and took him out to dinner. He got ribs and didn't know you were supposed to eat them with your fingers. I guess our kids don't get out enough.

This has been a great experience for him. He has learned a lot. I think the biggest thing that came of this experience is realizing there are things out there that we may not think we will like but if we try we might be surprised to find we are good at it. Another thing he learned was the need to be confident. He was told that at this level 90% of the points earned are based on your confidence. He said that he stood taller, shoulders back and spoke with more conviction. It will be interesting to see if he does this again in the future. It may help for him to represent the conservative view so he truly believes what he is saying.


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