Playing Catch Up
Playing catch up seems to be the mode of my life in the last couple of years. At some point along the road of life I began to drop bits and pieces of my burden. These are things that most think of as necessities. I did for a long time. Cleaning the toilets daily was most definitely a necessity in my book. I don't remember at what child that stopped, probably when I had two babies at once. From the time I stopped cleaning those toilets and washing the mop boards once a week I have let go of many things. I have said over and over that there is nothing else that I can give up. The problem is there always seems to be something more that goes. Now it happens to be the laundry or moping a filthy floor. I finally cleaned my bedroom and bathroom for the first time in well over a month. The dust was so thick that I had to keep washing my rag out. Last week I began to play catch up!! That is a wonderful thing. T...