We have a very sensitive son that has typically been kind to everyone. At some point he decided not to be so kind within the family unit and chose to take it out on Emma, his down syndrome sister. It was not pretty at times. He wouldn't even allow her to sit by him at the table. We did everything we knew to do to help him understand her and see how much she looked up to him. We had to institute consequences when he would be mean to her. It was quite a challenge and it hurt our hearts as parents. About a year ago we got new glasses for Emma. She has pretty poor eyesight but hated glasses. She would hide her glasses all the time so she wouldn't have to wear them. I gave up and decided that when she was ready for good eyesight then we would take her to the doctor for a new prescription. The day came when her new glasses arrived. All the kids gathered around, because who can resist a package in the mail? This son who was not too kind to Emma was standing a couple feet from her w...