Technology illiterate and too many ideas

I have so many thoughts about things that I want to write about. But most of them would be better with pictures. We just got a new fancy camera and I don't know how to use it. Doug is the photographer of the family and always has been. I love pictures but don't like to miss out on anything by standing on the sidelines. I also see the blogs that have the professional quality pictures and it really puts me to shame. So I guess I just showed my first weakness on the blog. I don't like to take pictures and I haven't had motivation enough to learn how to download them onto the computer, until now. I really want to tell you about our son that is on the International Folk Dance Team at BYU and the tour that they are going on through Northern California next week, but it would be so much better if I could put on some pictures so you could see how great it is. I had my 12 year old son take pictures of some of the process of doing Niya's hair, she is our 8 year old African American daughter, but I don't know how to get them off the camera. So many good ideas rolling around in my head but not enough knowledge or time to figure it out so I can do something with it. I have also seen some really good adoption videos that I would like to add for others to see. That may be something that I can figure out on my own. I just need to find them again.

So, here I am a middle aged woman that is typically very capable stuck in the generation gap. Sometimes I just feel like an old lady. It's sad that my children have to teach me how to use my phone every time I need more than to dial. Heaven forbid I have to text someone! Let me just pick up the phone and call, so much faster and easier. It has only been in the last two years that I have become comfortable with finding my way around the computer without getting completely frustrated. Now I know if all else fails wait for the kids to come home or call Doug at work.:)

The funniest thing about all this is the desire I have to get an IPad and and ITouch. Why do I think that I can learn those any better? I have discovered however, that I can be more organized and have all the info I need at my fingertips by having these pieces of technology. How great it would be to have the IPad on my wall at home with all the schedules, phone numbers, calendering, lists, notes and educational material for the kids. Then to synch it up with an ITouch that I can keep in my purse. That would be awesome. No more losing my Costco list or searching for the dinner menu that goes with the Costco list. I wouldn't have to stand at the dentist's office thoroughly embarrassed that I can't make an appointment because I don't know what's on my calendar. I wouldn't have to pretend that I remembered something that needed to be done. No more losing the lists of music the choir has sung over the last year so we don't repeat it. (I have made that list twice now and I can't find it again!) I want to write down thoughts and quotes that mean something to me and be able to find them again. I guess now I understand why everyone but me uses and loves technology. It just took this slow prideful brain to figure it out for itself.

Maybe I have made a breakthrough.... We better not hold our breath. I paid Ressa $20 to load my MP3 player that I got for my birthday a couple of months ago. Oh well.


  1. Isn't this what your kids are for? You have sacrificed your life and your time to keep up on the latest technology to raise us and teach us what is most important. In return we can help you with what you missed. Technology is great but your love and sacrifice are irreplaceable.
    I love you mom!


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