
Showing posts from May, 2021

The Power of Love

We have been playing music for Casey in hopes of facilitating greater healing of his brain. We have read studies and heard stories of people that played classical music, specifically Beethoven's Symphony Number 9. Today I turned on the station and beautiful rendition played. It brought a greater peace and calm to the room. I pondered on my desire to one that can help heal through light and peace. A song came on that changed the vibration in my soul to a greater level.  (I don't know how to describe the feeling but listen and feel what is going on inside of you as you play different kinds of music. It may take a few times but you will feel it.) I looked down to see what the song was. The title of the album was The Power of Love. A flood of thoughts came to my mind. The power of Christ's love heals all things. EVERYTHING! I looked at Casey and told him that it is through Jesus Christ and his atonement, which is pure love, he will be healed. I was filled with that love and a s...

A New Normal

 "A New Normal" seems to be the catch phrase in society right now. For us it is an absolute. Life has changed whether we like it or not. It will take some shifting goals, desires, plans and daily routine. We are all still here in Utah for the rest of the week. I will be driving the kids back to Missouri on Sunday. Clayson flies home today to get back to work and Hannah will remain in Utah. Doug will take the first week of us being apart to be with Casey and I will fly back to Utah June 8 for 10 days. Sam is happy to get back home and open the pool. He has really struggled with all of this as well as all the children. Mom is not there for Sam and he is acting out because of it. I plan to spend all of my time with kids. We will do projects together, shop and just be together. Not much else will get accomplished but connecting with the family. It will be hard to keep all other distractions out of my life but I need to help support and heal the other kids. I have not been availab...

Life is Hard

 Two weeks ago we got a call at 2:30 in the morning. It was a police officer in Utah notifying us that Casey had been in a very serious motorcycle accident. We got on the first plane to Utah and met him at the hospital about 12:00 pm. We had gotten a call from a doctor asking us what measures we wanted to take to sustain life. We chose to keep him going until we got there and could evaluate the situation. That was the beginning of a very long hard journey. This morning I was feeling the need to have my voice and inner feelings heard. I won't use this as a place for Casey updates alone but more a place to sort through and acknowledge my personal journey. Maybe a personal therapy.  Casey is a miracle thus far. He was not supposed to survive. It was about 8 days after the accident we were informed that we were no longer worried about his dying but how he would now live. Traumatic Brain Injuries are very different from person to person and Casey is in the very serious category. Be...