All Better!
"All Better" is what Bria thinks now that her cast is off but little does she know that she may have a brace for the rest of her life. She got the last cast off this morning and received her brace and new shoes as well as what the doctor calls nighttime shoes. She was able to pick the pattern on the brace at her last appointment. No matter how hard I tried to get her to pick the pattern that matched most of her clothes she insisted that she have the pink hearts. This girl knows what she wants! The brace goes above the ankle and past her big toe. It has a hinge at the ankle so that she will still have some movement for flexing the ankle. It doesn't allow for much movement but some. The brace is supposed to help keep the foot in the proper position so that it doesn't go back to the club position. The brace is not always necessary but she has a lack of movement or reflex in her toes and almost no flexibility in the Achilles tendon. We have to do some therapy to...