Little by little, this is becoming home!

Look who followed us back to Missouri after our trip to Utah last month! Here is Deanne with the crew during a night on the town. We bought this home as a 4 bedroom home. However, there was an office downstairs that is now a bedroom and there was an attic space that they converted to a huge closet. We added this dormer window to that closet and it will soon become the favorite bedroom in the house. Casey, Hyrum and Simon have claim to it as soon as it is finished this week. Simon getting his first riding lesson from a good friend. She comes over a few hours a week to give all the kids individual lessons in exchange for boarding her horse here. This is her horse, "Lady". Ressa and Charlie having a ride on our horse, "Fannie Mae". Of course, when we get another horse and it happens to be a male, it will be called the only thing a mortgage banker would name a companion to Fannie Mae.. obviously, he will be Fr...