Beauty in All Things

Come Lord Jesus great Redeemer, Light of morning from the east. We will be thy children ever Dry our tears, all weeping cease. Come in glory to the earth Come to us to rule and reign. Ready us to kneel and greet thee, Come, Lord Jesus come. Jesus, once of humble birth, Now in glory comes to earth. Once he suffered grief and pain; Now he comes on earth to reign. Now he comes on earth to reign. Come Lord Jesus Come! This is the finale in the show Savior of the World. All the actors gathered on stage and sang the above song. Some of the little children climbed onto a mountain and joined the apostles. The apostle Peter stands at the top of the mountain and Bria was held in his arms. Bria then raises her hand and points to heaven as we joined her in looking to heaven. Tears ran down my face when I looked up and witnessed this sight...