Traveling with the troops

We are enjoying our major summer vacation right now - traveling through the midwest on our way to Nauvoo, IL. Our church owns a historic town there where they have restored buildings and put on musicial productions to celebrate the sacrifices of the pioneers moving west in the mid 1800's. We are currently in Kansas City, MO where there are a few more church historical sites to visit. If we gave our children the choice between Disneyland and Nauvoo, they would choose Nauvoo. We take a big vacation like this every other year. Every year would be too expensive! Not to mention a lot of work. Just a few days before coming on this trip, in a moment of busyness, mostly due to getting ready to go on this vacation, Deanne said, "I need a vacation.". I looked at her and she realized, "Oh yeah, we are going on one in a few days." That just goes to show you that we don't view our family vacations as a "vacatio...