Hyrum's A Star - and other stuff

Hyrum was one of the lucky children in China to be supported by a fantastic group called Love Without Boundaries. This organization does everything from medical intervention for orphans to supporting with food, clothes and supplying foster care. Along with that support also comes advocating for the children that are available for adoption. It is through their blog that I learned about Hyrum. When we got back from China I requested any information or pictures they had of him as he grew. Just a couple of weeks ago I was asked to write an update on Hyrum. I was happy to do whatever they asked of me. I don't have a lot of time or brain power to write well but I figures someone would edit for me. Thank heavens that a great lady Barbara is more talented than me because she cleaned up what I had sent her and published it on the LWB blog. It occurred to me yesterday that my little boy was going to be a star. How cool is that?! He...